Monday, October 18, 2010

Qualities Of A BlackWhiteConnections Family Member

    Hello everyone,this is Jeremy Nelson the CEO of BlackWhiteConnections.I decided to write and post this blog to let all the members of the BlackWhiteConnections community know the qualities we want you to have and what we expect from you as well.
    As you all know from my last blog BlackWhiteConnections IS NOT just a hook up spot for black women and white men to meet each other and "hook up" or whatever you want to call it.
    BlackWhiteConnections was built and started for a much deeper reason than that. Which i outlined in that last blog as well.One of them was to form a family out of the black women white men community.
  So here are the qualities and what we expect from out members.
  1.  Know Each Other: Who we are,where we're from & some basic information about each other,what we do for a living,what we're going to school for & where at,how many kids we have,what we enjoy doing for fun,what we want in life and a relationship
  2. Keep In Regular Contact With Each Other:Send or reply to email to each other at least every other week,Not just with people you're the closest with or romantically interested/involved with either.
  3.  Help & Support Each Other:Give advice to each other,listen to each other,show care & compassion,network & introduce each other to new people you think they will like or can help them
  4. Trust:Share things about yourself & be honest AT ALL TIMES, give more than just very general & basic information about yourself to others,don't give one worded answers,don't assume that everyone has an angle or something they are trying to get from you to use you. This doesn't mean you have to share your deepest darkest secrets with everyone however. Trust is given as well as earned.
  5. Love Each Other:Truly & genuinely care about them,their situation,what they been through and going through.
  6. Protect Each Other:Don't let other down grade,talk badly to or about,try to intimidate,threaten or harm in anyway,shape,or form any of the people in our community/family
  7. Honest With Each Other At All Times

These are qualities we want our members to have at BlackWhiteConnectioins. They are very basic,simple to follow & yes WE DO EXPECT OUR MEMBERS TO HAVE ALL OF THESE QUALITIES & TO FOLLOW THEM..
As I said in the beginning of this blog and in the last blog I wrote,BlackWhiteConnections IS NOT just a hook up spot. It's a family & meant to be acted as such.
Many of you I'm sure have dysfunctional families as do I,so I don't want us to think and act as that kind of family,but think about how you wish your family was and the qualities you wish they had as a cohesive unit and apply those.As always,I pray that all is well with all of you and that you and your families are well.
Sincerely Yours,
Jeremy Nelson

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