Thursday, March 10, 2011

We're More Alike Than We Are Different

Everything said or written in this & all other blogs in the BlackWhiteConnections blog are the personal thoughts of Jeremy Nelson or are from a collection of thoughts by various black women or white men.

What has led you to believe you have nothing & couldn’t have anything in common with a black woman or white man? That you couldn’t & wouldn’t have similar hobbies? That you couldn’t or wouldn’t enjoy the same things? What makes you think this?
Is it the media? Is it your parents? Is it your friends & family? Have you stopped long enough to ask yourself & them where they are getting their information from or have you swallowed what they said whole & didn’t question it at all?
What makes you think the media is correct in everything they say or do? You may say they are bound by laws & ethics, but what happens if those laws are skewed or the person or media reporting or giving these impressions don’t live up to these ethics or simply they believe they are right & doing the right thing?
Racist pieces of trash believe they are right & doing the right thing as well. Does that make it so? Does that make it true & accurate? I suppose that depends on your upbringing, value system & what you personally believe. Because whatever you believe is true IS TRUE FOR YOU. Whether it’s actually true or not, in your mind, your beliefs make it so.
I’m here to tell you as a white man that loves & cherishes black women, that also has dated black women for 13 yrs now, that we DO have things in common with black women.
We both enjoy listening to music & yes there are a number of black women out there that listen to rock, heavy metal, punk, classical & country music. All black women DO NOT just listen to R&B, hip hop, rap & gospel. Actually the majority of the black women I know & have met don’t really like rap. They find it demeaning. Though some black women do or will listen to rap now & then.
We also enjoy watching movies & no black women DO NOT only watch Tyler Perry movies! Many black women I know or have met enjoy & prefer horror movies & action. Many black women enjoy reading as well. They enjoy spending quality time with friends & family, especially their man.
There are black women that enjoy skateboarding & snowboarding as well. There are a number of black women that enjoy bowling & playing video games, along with board games.
The point I’m looking to make here is that black women are people just like anyone else & what the media has portrayed as to who & what black women are & what they enjoy doing couldn’t be further from the truth.
Yes, there is a minuscule amount of truth to most of the things the media says or portrays about black women, but the far majority is false or exaggerated.