This blog is going to discuss:
- Why BlackWhiteConnections was started
- What it's purpose is
- What we expect of our members
- Where BlackWhiteConnections is going if things don't change
- What BlackWhiteConnections could be with the help that's needed
- What it is,
- The direction it's going in,
- Implementing Rules & Regulations, to ensure that BlackWhiteConnections is going in the direction it's supposed to be going in,
- finding people to help implement these things

This has been my top issue since I started BlackWhiteConnections, because I don't have a lot of friends that are willing to help run things along with me & I am only one person, so it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to do EVERYTHING that's needed to be done.
The black women/white men dating community has grown even more since I started BlackWhiteConnections 3 yrs ago. When I started this community of BlackWhiteConnections there were only a handful of black women/white men groups online & only 3 dating websites that dealt with black women/white men wanting to date each other. These same sites were open to all interracial dating & they didn't offer a way to narrow your search by race, ethnicity or area. Only age & sex. So if you were a white man (like myself) that was looking to date a black woman you had to go through thousands of profiles that didn't have anything to do with you before you got to the ones that did. This is one of the reasons I started BlackWhiteConnections.
Another reason I started BWC was because I was tired of the interracial groups & sites that allowed black women & white men to join but mostly catered to black men & white women. There was nothing really special about them & many of them I, as well as friends I had talked to , felt like we were left out & didn't belong at these places.

Many of the websites & groups that I have been in or a part of that deal with interracial dating or black women/white men dating are very negative & allow all kinds of drama into them. I HATE drama & negativity. I have enough of that in my life. I don't need more & I knew many other people felt that way as well. So I knew that if I also created a loving, caring, accepting, supportive place for black women & white men to be a part of this would also set BWC apart from the competition. Not to mention this would give the community a closeness, a feeling of that we are one & we are family. Many people now days come from families that aren't very positive & aren't as supportive as they would like them to be. When you add in the aspect of interracial dating it goes up even higher, so BWC could be their family & they could get the positivity that they want & need.

Lets examine what I have explained to you so far about why BlackWhiteConnections was created
- Because many people that I had talked to in the BWWM community were not happy or satisfied with what was available to us at the moment, in the way of meeting others in the BWWM community
- Because people in the BWWM community are looking for a loving, caring, positive, supportive place to congregate online & to meet with these people in person
- Because many people that I talked to in the BWWM community wanted something that was specific & not general. They didn't feel comfortable in general interracial groups or websites & felt it was even more difficult to find what they were looking for in these places
- Because I saw the potential that BlackWhiteConnections had in the way of, being a worldwide community & family, being able to help & support those in this community in every way, providing a new place for people to work at, & the amount of industries that we could enter, as well as the amount of money that we could potentially make if that was done
- We expect that they are a black woman or white man that's already married to one or that they are looking to date one
- That they are positive & don't bring any negativity or drama into BWC
- That if they have a disagreement with someone that they politely work things out between each other & if they aren't able to that they go to a admin to help them work out their differences
- That they are active & participate in BWC (that means that they check the groups & fanpage at least once a week, post questions or discussion topics, post videos for members to watch & discuss, post links to websites, blogs, & podcasts to discuss, That they comment on others posts. That's the LEAST)
- That they actively are doing something for BWC, that they are doing something to help BWC run or grow
If things don't change, then sadly BlackWhiteConnections is going to die! People will stop coming to the groups & fanpage & they will stop having conversations with each other. I'll be forced to close everything down & we won't have this loving, positive, caring, supportive, family community anymore. We will be stuck with the negative drama filled ones.
With the help that's needed BlackWhiteConnections can be ALL of the things I named here & more! There's SO MANY avenues & places that we could take this it's mind boggling!
Think about it; we could have our own private hotel/spa on an island, we could have our own nightclubs to go to, we could have our own media & production companies, our own fashion & health care lines, have conventions around the world for black women & white men to meet others from around the world & educate each other while we entertain you,etc.
- Someone to post the daily themes everyday
- Someone to post videos to discuss everyday
- Someone to post discussion topics everyday
- Some to post links to things to discuss 2 or 3 times a week
- Someone to keep discussions going in the comments section
- Someone to workout differences & keep things positive
- Blog
- Video Blog
- Contests
- Word of Mouth, Spreading the word about BWC to others
- Newsletter
- Analystics