Monday, October 18, 2010

Have You Always Been Attracted To Black Women Or White Men & Why?

Out of the thousands of black women and white men I have talked to that date interracially I have gotten mixed reviews on this question of if they always have been attracted to or interested in black women (bw) or white men (wm).
All of the white men I talked to said they have always been attracted to or interested in black women.Most of them said they didn't think black women would like or be interested in them though,or they said they were afraid of black women.
I can relate to that because that's how it was with me as well.I didn't think black women were interested in white men romantically or sexually.
The black women either admitted to always being attracted to white men ( most of these women said they were afraid of what society and more importantly their family and peers would think,say,and do if they admitted to being attracted to or liking white men though and this is what held them back.A good number of these women also thought white men weren't interested in them or wouldn't have relationships with them) or said they had a girl friend or family member that dated a white guy and suggested they also do it,because they were much happier.
Then there were some that said they got fed up with dating black,latin,spanish or puerto rican men and heard good things about dating white men or thought "what the hell.I'll give it a shot".
All of the white men said they loved black women's bodies.Especially a big ole booty!!!After talking to these white men further they all also admitted to liking black women's personalities as well,but it was the beauty and body that initially drew them in,because men are sexual beings.We think sex before anything else.
Women are more maternal,then think security and long term before other things.The black women said they liked our personalities and how we treated them (like queens) as well.
Everyone has special reasons for liking others,but taken as a whole these are the answers I've got after dating strictly black women for 12 yrs now and talking to thousands of white men and black women that dated interracially or are thinking about it.


Mrs. Glam said...

I have always found some WM attractive (I remember thinking that Zac from Saved By The Bell was beyond gorgeous.) My first date was with a white guy that I worked with, and one of the most passionate connections I've ever had was with a hunky blue-eyed Texan I met last year. So, I don't know all the reasons why I like WM, but I always have been attracted and other people's opinions never really mattered to me.

Sherlan McKnight said...

I've always like men lighter than me and was not aware of it until a "sister" pointed it out but to each it's own i just like/love them not sure that I need a reason to love a man . I love MEN lol

Lesgem said...

I am black. I have been attracted to white men almost exclusively since I was old enough to be aware of that feeling. I think I was 6 or 7 when I first felt it. I like only certain types of black and Latino men. Asian and Indian men as well have to have a certain type of masculinity to turn my head. But the feeling is overwhelming for white men in general. I'm not sure why it's there but it is. The irony is that I grew up at a time when it was the thing you just did not do! I met several white guys that had that long term potential but neither of us knew how or were willing to cross over the friend zone; especially being in the South. I also fell in love with a co-worker although I did not realize it at the time. We became close emotionally but several missed opportunities sort of sealed our fate and we each moved on. I still think of him and it's 15 years gone by.
Whoever reads this please - act on your attraction. I have now learned that the heart wants what it wants and knows what's best for you even if your head does not! I'm in a loveless marriage with a black man whom I thought I loved but now realize although he was nice at the time I've never been attracted to him the way I've always adored surface traits about white men. And I've never had the stimulating connection to him that I have with my white male friends. It's odd but it is what it is. White men open me up like a flower. In general they just do it for me.